Built in the year 2000. 
Architect: Steinar Skartveit.
Else Marie Jakobsen has made the woven decorations inside. (One extra reason to take a look. She has made some fantastic work in many churches, and I will show you some later.)

It is situated in the northern part of Stavanger, the area TASTA has plenty of houses (some with a fantastic view over the fjords and mountains), and some big companies have their offices here.


Stats about "life in the Norwegian Church"


Finally, some will say. The church now has a second liturgy, so it should no longer be a problem to let two people of the same sex getting married in the church. Some priests have said a loud NO to this, and have decided to stop working as a priest because they think it is so wrong. 
Some church goers have left the church in protest.

We have had female priests from 1961 and got our first female bishop back in 1993.
So, in some ways Norway has been ahead of other countries. Changes sometimes take time.

source: Stavanger Daily Photo