Lakshmi Sharath

Lakshmi Sharath

Kronborg Castle Copenhagen – where Shakespeare set his Hamlet

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 03:42 AM PDT

Kronborg Castle, Copenhagen where Hamlet was set

Everything about William Shakespeare is a mystery – his birth or his life or his death. But some records say that he died on April 23, 1616 and his funeral was on April 25. 400 years after the death of his playwright, his plays still live on, some in the minds of the people, some in monuments like Kronborg Castle in Denmark, where Shakespeare set his Hamlet. On the 400th death anniversary of Shakespeare, let us visit the home of Hamlet at Kronborg Palace near Copenhagen.

Copenhagen, Hamlet Kronborg Palace, Shakespeare

The Kronborg Palace neat Copenhagen, the home of Hamlet

Denmark to me has always been a fairy tale world where Little Mermaids , Ugly Ducklings and Tin Soldiers roamed around created by Hans Christian Anderson. And in this atmosphere of fantasy, I also see ghosts walking around. It is drama all around me when I set eyes on the formidable Kronborg castle built along the sound,  the waters that separate Sweden and Denmark. This is the moment I am waiting for.

It is Act 5, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's Hamlet.

"I am more an antique Roman than a Dane, "says Horatio to his friend, Hamlet as the Prince of Denmark lies on the ground poisoned after a duel. Horatio wants to die along with him but Hamlet denies him death, asking him instead, to narrate his story to the world.

Copenhagen, Hamlet, Kronborg Palace, William Shakespeare

Horatio begins his narration right at the beginning

So, here I am in a large hall, listening intently to Horatio's narration as he finally transports us to the last scene of the tragedy that takes place in the Kronborg castle in Elsinore, Denmark. Hamlet has avenged his father's death by killing his uncle but he lies there, lifeless, poisoned by his opponent, Laertes' sword. Laertes is killed as well .The room in the castle suddenly transforms in front of me into an arena where duels were fought and as the theatre of the mind plays out, the mood is melancholic. Horatio ends his narration poignantly, " Now cracks a noble heart.  Good night sweet prince. "

Shakespeare, Copenhagen, Hamlet, Kronborg Palace

Silhoutted against a blue sky

It is this moment that defines my trip to Denmark. For years, I have dreamt of visiting Hamlet's castle, also known as Kronborg at Helsingor or Elsinore where Shakespeare had set his play. Located at the Danish coast across Sweden, the Renaissance castle surrounded by canons and overlooking the sound was built by King Frederick 11 in 16th century. Destroyed by fire , it was eventually rebuilt by King Christian IV

Hamlet Shakespeare Copenhagen Kronborg Castle

The tower of the palace at the courtyard

Standing there and gazing at the massive monument, I can feel the melancholy that surrounds it. .An aura of drama surrounds it as the overcast clouds suddenly vanish and the blue sky spreads itself over the massive castle. Standing below this UNESCO World Heritage Site and looking at it in awe, I meet my guide in the guise of Horatio who tells me that that the original Hamlet was created even before Shakespeare by Saxo Grammaticus in his History of Danes.

Copenhagen, Kromborg Palace, Shakespeare, Hamlet

We tour the castle with Horatio entering chambers and chapels

Horatio takes me through the fortress, narrating scenes from the play as we move from the gloomy casements to the royal chambers, the chapel and the final arena where the tragedy unfolds .It is not just the ghost of Hamlet's father who frequented the vaults.  We hear of the legendary Danish hero, Holger Danske, who chose to sleep here undisturbed until he was called upon to fight the enemy. A sculpture shows him sleeping here with his arms crossed and his hand, resting on his sword.

Shakespeare, Hamlet, Kronborg Palace, Copenhagen

At the border where one can see Sweden across the coast

We do not know if Shakespeare visited the castle, but he probably imagined this towering fortress with its dark casements to be the ideal setting for the play. And even today as we are walking around, I can feel the presence of ghosts haunting around the castle. Perhaps Shakespeare is here too, watching his Hamlet being performed.

Shakespeare, Hamlet, Copenhagen, Kromborg Palace

The narration finally ends as we leave Horatio at the castle

Version of this story was published in Times Life and Sunday Herald.

I visited Copenhagen on invitation from their tourism board with a group of journalists.













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